H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. :




Saying it has been a rough few years with the pandemic and other related stressors, would be an understatement, right?

It would be completely understandable if you are now:

Worried about a variety of different topics…

On edge…


If any of this rings true, the Yoga-Reinforced-CBT for Generalized Anxiety group may be right for you…keep reading to learn more.

What is the program?:

Yoga-Reinforced-CBT for Generalized Anxiety combines cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) along with the ancient intelligence of yoga. CBT has been found, across an extensive number of studies, to be the gold standard treatment for Generalized Anxiety, and research is now showing that some of the core elements of yoga provide promising and empowering skills that act as excellent adjuncts.

Who is it designed for?:

This group is tailored to adults who show signs of Generalized Anxiety which typically includes the following: a tendency to worry (e.g., constantly think of worst case scenarios and/or doubting your capacity to cope) more often than not, about a variety of different topics, feelings of extreme nervousness and sometimes irritability, restlessness, as well as, physiological sensations like, muscle tension, butterflies in the stomach, jitteriness, and fatigue. We are aiming to include mainly participants who have already been seen by a mental health professional who has confirmed Generalized Anxiety as your main concern as the CBT interventions in particular, are specifically geared toward targeting the core symptoms inherent to this (e.g., the tendency for the mind worry excessively) and the Yoga (postures, breath work, guided reflections, meditations, relaxation practices) will be focused on reducing hypervigilance and restlessness, invoking the ability to slow down and be present with fear provoking thoughts and related sensations, instilling peace and calm in the nervous system, as well as, cultivating a sense of tolerance for uncertainty and general empowerment.

If you strongly suspect you are experiencing the above symptoms, but have not as yet been able to discuss this with a professional, you can still please feel free to reach out to us at the information found below, and once we have a little more information from you, we can determine whether the group might be an appropriate fit. It is important to us that we make sure the group may truly be of benefit to you in managing the primary symptoms you’re experiencing. And if it turns out it isn’t, we will be sure to offer other options! :)

NOTE: Limited to Ontario, Canada or Québec residents.


This will be a virtual event held via Zoom and the link will be sent to all participants prior to the first appointment (see below).

Some learning objectives are to help participants:

  • Bring non-judgmental, compassionate awareness to distressing thoughts, emotions, physical cues, urges, and habitual actions…

  • Challenge maladaptive automatic cognitive patterns and processes that are not serving them…

  • Understand their own nervous system and how it tends to react to worry…

  • Learn how to tolerate and make room for the physiological aspects of anxiety…

  • Practice self-love and compassionate understanding in times of suffering…

  • Regulate stress and tension via the intentional use of deep, diaphragmatic breathing to evoke composure and calm…

  • Modify posture and movement to directly impact feeling states of the mind and body in ways that bring strength and ease…

  • Get in touch with core values to build a meaningful life…

  • Problem solve…

  • Change behaviour and test assumptions about capabilities to cultivate reserves of courage, personal mastery, and confidence….

Sessions will run:

Weekly, for 10 weeks, every Wednesday night.

When does it start?:

November 20, 2024

When does it end?:

February 5, 2025

NOTE: There will be NO sessions on December 25, 2024 and January 1, 2025.


6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, EST.

Financial investment?:

$795.00 total, invoiced weekly at $79.50

You will receive your paid invoice each week to submit to your insurance company.

NOTE: This group may be covered by your insurance. Please check with them to be sure.

What this price involves?:

Sessions directly led by Dr. Kamala Pilgrim, licensed clinical psychologist with experience in offering CBT, mindfulness, acceptance and commitment-based therapy (ACT), compassion-focused approaches, as well as, some kundalini and ashtanga (8-limb) yoga wherein she has many years of personal practice (i.e., with some philosophy, postures, breath work, meditation). She is additionally committed to continuing, ongoing education via clinical psychology supervision and yoga mentorships with her teachers within both of these fields on a regular basis.

What else the fees include?:

Hand-outs, worksheets, and several audio recordings of breath/energy control exercises, postures, meditations, as well as, relaxation practices as compiled by Dr. Pilgrim, which will be sent to you via email.

Time commitment?:

10, two hour online group sessions, weekly. Plus, about 20 minutes to 1 hour, each week or more, if possible (in addition to regular attendance of the virtual classes), to practice on your own - e.g., completing little assignments and skills.

Please consider in reflecting on this that really immersing oneself in focused practice for specific periods of time, can sometimes truly set the stage for deep improvements.

Refund policy:

You can receive the full amount of your payment back as long as the cancellation is given before, or at least one week prior to, the beginning of the first session.

About the group instructor:
Yoga-Reinforced-CBT for Generalized Anxiety was developed and is offered by Dr. Kamala Pilgrim, a Ph.D., registered clinical psychologist (licensed with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, certificate # 6258) with graduate training in CBT and certification in ashtanga-vinyasa yoga (at the 700+ hours level, from a well-established studio: YogaWorks in Atlanta, Georgia as well as, the longstanding Ananda ashram, which teaches the Gitananda yogic tradition, of Pondicherry, India). She additionally has many years of personal practice with the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) which involves twice daily practice of another beautiful technique: i.e., Kriya pranayama.

To register, please send an email to the below address, including…

1) Your name

2) A contact phone number that is best to use to reach you as well as,

3) Days and timeframes that are most convenient to chat.

Address to send the above information to (click to begin your message):
